Do you have a wind down routine, something that you do on a regular basis to transition to the bedtime hours? Let’s talk all about it.
Some of my friends enter home and go straight to bed after very few steps. I’m not one of those people, I wish I were though. I almost feel the need to reconnect with my home to be able to go to bed and fall asleep. It’s a production, a process if you will. The duration varies, most of the time it’s thirty minutes to an hour, occasionally I need more depending how active my day was or how long I was out.
Whatever that bedtime hour may be like for you, you might benefit from having a wind down routine. Routines always help the brain build a habit, and habits lead to success in any activity. This routine really determines how I transition to sleep and how the next day goes for me. It’s a bit different from how to improve the quality of your sleep or how to fall asleep easily, it’s not quite that final step, but very close to it. Some of us just really need a transition from feeling so stimulated or being out. I hope these wind down routine ideas help you build your own.
This blog post is all about a wind down routine for your transition to bedtime. I hope you read till the end for some great tips.
As soon as it starts to get late, I dim the lights in my apartment and computer screen if I’m working on something. As a matter of fact, it is 8:30 pm as I write this blog post today, and I have the ceiling light on in my living room, which has a pretty low kelvin, and I have dimmed the light on my screen. If the circumstances were different and I was outside, I would enter home and limit light exposure, by turning only a table light on in my living room and my bedside lamp in my bedroom as I move around in my apartment for my wind down routine.
It is so much easier for me to undress and hang my clothes than throw things on the chair in my bedroom. I cannot fall asleep in an untidy bedroom. I think this process saves you time too. I also put my bag in its dust bag and place it back in my closet. I know I’m a little too tidy. But I think a lot of these habits come from living in a Manhattan size apartment. You learn to be a little bit more organized and tidier, otherwise your space can feel a lot smaller.
It might feel excessive to change into lounge wear instead of PJs an hour before going to bed, but something about what I would wear when hanging out in my home makes me feel more connected to being home then jumping straight into my PJs. You don’t have to spend too much money on a high-quality cozy set, but having one that feels good makes all the difference in this wind down routine. I know some people wear clothes they normally wear outside, indoors on a regular basis, especially when they start to look old before sort of retiring them. Personally, I may have done this with a sweater or two, but my home loungewear is just that – cozy and comfortable, purchased with that intention.
I then head to the bathroom to remove my make-up and wash my face. I don’t do my skin care yet. This step is the last in getting rid of everything that was linked with being outside, if that makes sense (getting dressed and wearing make-up).
While I’m preparing to go to bed, I minimize checking my phone or looking at screens. TV is also not part of this process because I find it stimulating to the brain as well. I also find it difficult to switch it off and go to bed on time.
Then I stop and review my schedule for the next day. We will talk about how to be more organized and efficient at some point on this blog. But for now, I’ll just say that I review my to-do list. It helps me think about my day, plan things, check the weather if I need to. I’m a creature of habit and planning. I mentally prepare for things. So, it helps me to know what I have on my schedule for the next day.
If you also cannot fall asleep with dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, hello to you too! I put my rubber gloves on and wash whatever I have left behind. There is also something about doing a house chore that connects my brain with being back home and winding down. I purposefully review my schedule before this step as I think and prepare for the next day while I wash the dishes.
I make myself some herbal tea and cut a piece of dark chocolate (or two or three). I’ve been really enjoying this one from Trader Joe’s recently. It is also more affordable than other dark chocolate bars I used to buy. I dip the chocolate in my tea and eat the melted part. There are a few sweets I like more than this. As far as the herbal tea, I’ve been recently loving these Traditional Medicinals I got my hands on at Whole Foods, the lavender chamomile is my new favorite. I think any warm de-caffeinated beverage works. I allow myself to fully relax during this step. There is something very grounding to me about having tea with nothing else to do. I process the day and think about the next day’s schedule.
I sometimes combine this with sipping on herbal tea or a glass of water with some lemons in it. Besides all the benefits, Gua Sha is so relaxing. I find myself in a very different mindset when I’m done with my routine. Some of the most relaxing parts of Gua Sha are working on your neck muscles and around your eyes.
For most people, warm showers can feel so relaxing and comforting. This is the cherry on top for me in this process. I can barely keep my eyes open to get to bed after a shower.
#11 PJ
Now that I’ve checked off all the previous steps, I change into my PJs. It’s another step but this time preparing me for bed. Hopefully you hung out enough in your loungewear to feel connected to being at home and now ready to transition into PJs and bed.
You can then brush your teeth and complete your skin care routine. It’s just another step, but once it becomes part of your routine, it is like asking your brain to prepare itself to end the day.
Hopefully you’re not picking up your phone. Reading a book requires your eyes and brain to focus, so it can tire you and make you sleepy if you’re not there yet. I find this to be so helpful.
This blog post was all about a wind down routine for your transition to bedtime. I hope it inspired you to create your own.
As always, thank you for stopping by and reading.
See you next week,
Girl on the Upper East Side
If you enjoyed reading this, you might enjoy reading about my thoughts on how to keep your New Year Resolutions, or my Bathhouse Review if you’re considering a visit, for an entire day of winding down:)
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